Class ipAddrToAsciiEngine

Class Documentation

class ipAddrToAsciiEngine

Class which manages creating transactions for converting ipAddr’s to ASCII.

Public Functions

virtual void release() = 0

Cancel any pending transactions and destroy this ipAddrToAsciiEngine object.

virtual ipAddrToAsciiTransaction &createTransaction() = 0

Create a new transaction object used to do IP address conversions.


Caller must release() the returned transaction


The newly created transaction object

virtual void show(unsigned level) const = 0

Print information about this engine object and how many requests its processing.

Prints to stdout


level – 0 for basic information, 1 for extra info

Public Static Functions

static ipAddrToAsciiEngine &allocate()

Creates a new ipAddrToAsciiEngine to convert IP addresses.


Caller must release() this engine.


Newly created engine object

Protected Functions

virtual ~ipAddrToAsciiEngine() = 0